Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Morning Hike

The thing to do in Villa de Leyva is to get up and head to hills that surround the town.

This time of year the clouds roll in in the afternoon and it often rains.

So the morning is the time to hike.

There are lots of trails that head out of town.

We just took one that headed toward an interesting looking canyon.

Looking back you get a good view of the town (please click to see).

It was a beautiful morning.

Villa de Leyva is at about 7,000 feet and we probably climbed another 1,000 feet or so.

We saw lots of butterflies and Daniel spied this interesting looking spider (please click to see it).

After heading up for a couple hours we headed back down and got back to Villa de Leyva just in time for lunch.

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