Thursday, April 19, 2012

A View of Imbabura

One thing Ecuador and Oregon have in common is that it is often hard to see the mountains that surround you because of cloud cover.

It was nice to see this view of Imbabura yesterday morning from the window at our hostal. This was a view at about 6 a.m. and in an hour our two it was covered by the clouds and stayed that way all day.

Imbabura is an extinct volcano that rises 15,190 feet above Ibarra. It figures prominently in the local culture as the "papa" volcano, husband to Cotacachi, a volcano to the west. When it is raining in Otavalo, the next town south of here, they say that Imbabura is peeing on them. And when Cotacachi has a snow cover it is said that she spent the night with her husband Imbabura.

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