Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Time to Try a Chifa

Our expectations were low.

All over Ecuador there are Chinese restaurants called chifas. They are actually run by Chinese people. I don't know if they are recent immigrants or have been here for generations.

They serve fried rice, called chaulafan, and fried noodles, called tallarines. You order them with chicken or beef or shrimp (didn't see pork, oddly enough).

If you order a full order of chaulafan or tallarines, you get a huge plate.

The place we went to was pushing half orders and they were plenty.

Chifas are popular with common people because they are cheap.

A half order of chaulafan with shrimp or chicken cost a little over $2.
Was it good? With a lot of Ecuadorian pepper sauce added, it was edible.

Was it filling? Indeed.

I think that's the idea with chaulafan.

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