Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our Hippie Hostal in Baños

Daniel picked out our hostal in Baños using It turned out to a hippie hostal called Backpackers Los Pinos.

This is distinct from another Los Pinos hostal in town. This is the one for hippies.
It's a nice place but they have bad wi-fi, which explains the lull in my blog. Baños is a small town and it has been hard to find another place to blog. I am in a coffee/ice cream shop in downtown Baños right now. I hope the $1.30 bad capuccino served in a styrofoam cup will allow me to at least finish this post. Baños is the Orlando of Ecuador, I think. It's mostly a tourist town, and I think right now it is full of vacationers from all over the country.

The main attraction are some hot springs, but also La Nuestra Senora de Agua Santa, a Virgin Mary who has performed a lot of miracles (more on that later). Despite all the tourists Daniel and I are having fun. It's a lively place in a beautiful setting at the foot of an active volcano (more on that later too).

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