Sunday, April 1, 2012

Egg Balancing on the Equator

Another fun activity at La Mitad del Mundo, after you have straddled the line, is to try your hand and balancing an egg. That's right. There is supposedly something about the equator that allows you to balance an egg on a nail.

Daniel got a lesson from Francisco, who took a break from his maintenance man duties to show us how it is done.
The nail is right on the (now mistaken) line. Francisco balanced the egg several times. I got a good video of him doing it. None of us could do it.

After we got back I checked out good old Cecil Adams' Straight Dope, and learned that it's a myth that eggs balance better on the Equator or during the Equinox, etc.

If you try hard enough, you can balance an egg anywhere.

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