Saturday, March 31, 2012

A New Friend in Quito

Talk about good luck!

On my flight to Quito I just happened to be sitting next to a young Peruvian woman who lives here and is the HR manager for the branch office of an American company.

She spoke good English and she offered to show Daniel and I around a bit. So I took her up on the offer.

Yesterday Irene picked up Daniel and I and took us to a good Ecuadorian restaurant where Daniel and I had our second fanesca. Then she took us to La Mitad del Mundo, a popular tourist spot a ways north of town that marks the equator with a large monument and other museums and attractions.

We spent the entire afternoon and early evening with Irene who is working on an MBA and hopes to move up in the international business world. She is from Lima and has lived here about a year.

Daniel and I learned so much from Irene about Ecuador and Peru. Thanks Irene! I hope we can return the favor someday.

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