Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pork in Moderation

Latin Americans love their pork in all its manifestations. Ecuador is no exception. I am always amazed at the variety of sausages I see in the market. If I lived here I would have to try every one.

But Daniel and I did manage to get our pork in moderation yesterday. The dish is called mote con chicharron.
It consists mostly of mote, which is kind of like hominy, I believe. The mote is topped with a little lettuce and onion and a few cubes of fried pork belly -- just enough to flavor the dish. There is a salsa served on the side to pep it up. Delicious.

The drink is called canelazo, a very typical and popular drink. It's a warmed fruit juice with spices and a shot of aguardiente.

All in all a good light evening meal for about $6 for two.

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