Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Warning to Faithful Readers of My Blog

Thanks so much to everyone who regularly checks my blog for new posts.

We are nearing 3,000 pageviews from countries all over the globe.

I want to warn my faithful readers however that Daniel and I may be heading to a place tomorrow without Internet service or with very poor service that might prevent me from posting for a few days.

It's called the Reserva Natural Canon de Rio Claro.

It may have smokin' Internet for all I know, but it's far from any town, so I don't know. I know it does not have any restaurants because the cost of staying there includes three meals a day.

I just wanted you all to know, in case there are no new posts for a few days. On Monday night we will be in a nice little town called Villa de Leyva, so I can catch up with my posts then if I have to.

Thanks again faithful readers.

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