Friday, May 11, 2012

Over 12 Million Tamales Sold? (Part 2)

This is what the breakfast tamale at the Puerta Falsa looks like when you really get down to eating it. A great combination of rice, garbanzo beans and chicken, flavored by the plantain leaves it is cooked in.

I wish I knew the story behind the name of the restaurant, The False Door. There must be a good one.

Daniel and I tried to figure out how many tamales the Puerta Falsa might have sold since they opened in 1816.

If their hours of operation have always been more or less the same as now, and if they have averaged selling a dozen tamales a hour, a plausible estimate based on what we observed in our time there, they have sold over 12 million tamales in the past 194 years.

Here's the math, if you want to check me.