Thursday, May 3, 2012

King's Breakfast and Prince's Lunch Again

I can report that yesterday I once again was able to eat like a king at breakfast and a prince at lunch.

We went back to the neighborhood breakfast place called Los Sauces (which my online Spanish dictionary translates as "The Willows," as in the tree, I guess). We were thinking about getting the same $2 calentao meal we had before which was so good, but they were out of chorizo, so we had to upgrade to the $3 meal which has no eggs but a small piece of pork meat. Again it is served with the traditional hot chocolate. Very good.

For lunch we were downtown so we went to a place recommended in our guidebook as very traditional, called Los Toldos (The Awnings). We had their Wednesday fixed price meal with a choice of a braised beef steak or beef tongue. I'm always up for some good tongue, so I got that. It was served with potato, yucca, rice and a lettuce, pineapple and avocado salad. Delicious!

BTW, for my pauper's supper I had a small hamburger at a place near our hostal and a beer.

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