Monday, April 16, 2012

Night Bus to Ibarra

Daniel and I decided to head back north.

We had thought about possibly continuing south to Northern Peru, but Daniel has already been to Peru, and we are excited about exploring Columbia. We decided to backtrack on the Panamericana, and Daniel talked me into doing it at night.

He has taken overnight buses before on his travels in South America.
The buses he had taken were very comfortable, with semi-reclining seats and even food service. We were hoping for something like that. Alas, what we got was pretty much the standard Ecuadorian bus. The leg room is insufficient for me. But we made the best of it. We left Cuenca at 7:30 p.m. and traveled 343 miles to Ibarra, the largest town in northern Ecuador, arriving about 12 hours later. The cost was only $15, but it was pretty basic.

We found a hostal soon after getting here. Now I am blogging and Daniel is catching up on his sleep.

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