Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Market Scenes in Riobamba

Markets in Ecuador are much more clean and orderly than the ones I am used to in Mexico.

Maybe there is some government regulation that explains the signage and the uniforms people sometimes wear.

Lots of the stalls have signs with the proprietors names on them. I can't pass up a walk through the market to see all the wonderful fruits and vegetables.

Why aren't these vegetables on the menu at the restaurants we go to? If you lived here and did your own cooking you could eat very healthy.

Eating out. Not so much.


  1. Mexico is the same: you see great produce in the market, but almost never in restaurants. People go out for a splurge, or for some sort of food they would normally NOT cook at home...

  2. I have been seeing great leeks in the market here. Very large with the white part being almost a foot long. Also kale and chard and big beautiful cabbages.
