Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Encebollado for Lunch

After seeing this on the menu since we got to Ecuador we finally tried a bowl of encebollado for lunch today.

It's a fish soup that originated on the south coast of Ecuador. It has broth made out of yucca (cassava) tomatoes and onions (hence the cebollas, onions, in the name), to which is added fish, usually tuna. We got an extra special bowl that also included shrimp.

The soup is served with a whole lime to squeeze into the soup, and popcorn and banana chips to throw in as well. It is said to be a good cure for a hangover. It is often eaten for breakfast. A bowl without the shrimp would have cost $1.75, but adding the shrimp boosted the price to $3.50. It was delicious.

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