Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Inca Trail

There are a number of hiking trails that lead up into the mountains surrounding BaƱos.

This morning after our hearty breakfast, we thought we would try the Sendero Bellavista. A sendero is a hiking trail. Turns out this sendero goes about 1,000 ft. straight up.

Didn´t the Incas know about switchbacks?
I guess they didn´t need them. They must have been in great shape.

If this trail were in a Bill Sullivan hiking book he would class it as "difficult" (I avoid those).

When I got to this point in the trail, I decided to call it quits.

Click on the picture and you will see Daniel at the top of this portion of the trail. He went on to finish. I reminded him that I am almost three times his age. With a few switchbacks I might have made it.

Oh well. I got some nice views of the town.

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