Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ecuadorian Combo Plate

When we got back from the TeleferiQo in the late afternoon we were starving. We had had nothing to eat since breakfast and Daniel had hiked to over 15,000 ft. and back.

So when we saw the chugchucara on the menu, it looked like it would hit the spot. It had all of our Ecuadorian favorites and more.

The restaurant, called the Quitenia Lena, has a very humorous English menu. I am a long-time fan of badly translated menus. I had a lot of fun with them on my trip to China in 2010. I give them credit for trying (in the U.S. we just don't bother), but I often wonder why they can't find a good English speaker to help them out. Here was the description of the chugchucara in English: "fry-up, mote, cracked widneskin, ripe bananas, pop corn, toasted corn." They were right about the popcorn and the toasted corn. This is the first entree I've ever had with popped and unpopped popcorn. It was good but really too much food for me. But Mountain Man Dan cleaned his plate.

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