Friday, April 6, 2012

Churrasco and Chicken

Okay, enough silliness about puppies and Smurfs.

Let´s get back to something serious. Like food.

BaƱos, being a tourist town, has lots of good eating places. We spotted a place on Ambato street specializing in grilled meats and spit roasted chicken. A lot of roast chicken places only offer specials that come with soup and a large soda with the meal. We were trying to avoid that. We looked in the beverage cooler and saw only one grande Pilsner left. I guess Agua Santa was looking after us.
We claimed it and proceeded to order a churrasco plate for Daniel and the four piece chicken and fried potatoes plate for me. Daniel says churrasco comes from Chile. It was a thin grilled steak covered with a fried egg, along with avocado, rice and potatoes. A hearty meal for sure. I think this was only $4.50. I got way too much roast chicken and papas. In the U.S. four pieces of chicken would not be too much (e.g., a wing, leg, thigh and breast). But here, four pieces means four quarters of chicken. I couldn´t finish it, even with some help from Daniel. But it was sure was good. This plate was only $5.50. Next time I will get two pieces.

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