Sunday, April 15, 2012

Catching the Blazers in Cuenca

Daniel is a big Portland Trail Blazers basketball fan and I like to watch the games too.

The Blazers have had a terrible season, but they are still fun to watch.

So when we heard that their game with Dallas was being broadcast on ESPN in Ecuador we were determined to try to catch the game. There is no TV in our hostal, so we thought we might have to go to a bar and beg them to turn the channel from some soccer game to basketball.

Turns out it was not a problem, because the game did not start until 9:30 here, and there was not any other live sports that started that late. So we sat out on the patio of a place that was teeming with college students who didn't give a rip and watched the game while nursing a couple of beers. And the Blazers only lost by three.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. S-N-O-R-E !!!!!!!


    R-O-N-C-A as they say in Ecuador....
