Monday, April 2, 2012

The Bus to Latacunga

Today we said farewell to Quito and began our journey south by bus.

Quito has a brand new bus terminal that is far to the south, at the edge of the city. But they thoughtfully made the bus terminal the last stop for the Trole express bus that we can catch about two blocks from our hostal. It was 25¢ to ride all the way.
The great transportation deals did not stop there.

Our ticket to go about two hours down the Panamericana (aka Panamerican Highway) was $1.70. The bus was half empty when we got on the Quito but filled up along the way, and there were a few people standing in the aisle by the time we got to Latacunga.

You'll never go hungry on an Ecuadorian bus. We must have had a dozen vendors get on at various stops selling all kinds of food and drink. Altogether a very pleasant ride.

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