Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Best Bar in Popayan

Our guidebook said Sotorenos was "a classic" where for 40 years the bartender has been spinning "scratchy records."

It sounded like my kind of place.

We went there, and sure enough, there was the bartender/owner with his collection of music behind the bar and a turntable off to the side. He was playing CDs when we got there, but we asked him if he could play records. Eventually he obliged.

We asked if he would play some 78s, but for some reason we couldn't convince him to do that. He did play old albums and even some 45s.

Soon the bar filled up with locals and with some folks from our hostal -- an American (who we had met in Banos), two Australians and a Brit.

The locals did some dancing, and sang along whenever a popular Colombian tune was played.

We had a fine time drinking a few Club Colombias and taking it all in.

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