Friday, April 20, 2012

Cuy Quest

Well, we finally got our cuy (guinea pig).

The Andes people have been eating these domesticated rodents for centuries. They are most commonly eaten in Ecuador, but Pasto is close enough to Ecuador to also have some restaurants that serve cuy.

We went to the tourist bureau near our hostel and were told that on one street about 20 blocks away we would find three restaurants all in the same block that are known for their cuy.

We decided to walk there, figuring it would be a good way to have a look at the town.

We got lost a few times but finally found the block.

The first place was not serving cuy for dinner. We'd have to come back for lunch the next day to get our cuy.

The second place was also out of cuy for the day. But the third place, called "Senor Cuy, Dona Gallina" (Mr. Cuy, Mrs. Hen) said if we were willing to wait 20 minutes we'd have our cuy. We were the only customers in the place.

We settled back with a couple of Club Columbia beers and awaited the rodent.


  1. My imagination is running wild about that 20 minute wait...tearful good-byes to Hermano Cuy.

  2. Who knows Mary? Maybe warming up in the microwave.
