Friday, April 6, 2012

Volcano Preparedness

Baños lies right below Volcan Tungurahua, which towers over the south of the city at over 15,000 feet.

Have we actually seen it? Nope. We haven´t seen any volcanos because of persistent clouds that obscure them this time of year. But it´s there, and it´s an active volcano. We understand there was activity as recently as March.
In 1999 an eruption forced the evacuation of Baños and 20,000 people lost their homes.

The guidebooks to Baños all stress that it is important to know the evacuation route from where you are when you visit here. It´s not difficult. Right outside our room are two signs telling us where to run. And down the street is another sign indicating the major evacuation route.

So Daniel and I know where to run.

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