Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Restoring Passenger Trains

Unlike my stupid country, Ecuador seems to be investing a lot of money to restore its system of passenger trains.

When they are done you will be able to take a train between the three major cities of Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. They are laying down new tracks and restoring stations.

How farsighted, as peak oil drives gas prices ever upward.
Unfortunately for us, however, we had planned to take a train south from here to Alausi, and then up the famous Devil's Nose from there. But because of the work being done on the station and tracks in Riobamba, we discovered that train service has been suspended.

We will have to take a bus to Alausi tomorrow to catch the train to the Devil's Nose. No problem. Kudos to Ecuador for investing in passenger trains. I will have to come back to try them out in a few years.

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