Monday, April 23, 2012

More Views from My Window

This will probably be the best view from my window on the whole trip.

In the foreground is my trusty backpack and my Guayaquil soccer team hat.

The backpack is the one we bought for daughter Jane to take to Japan when she was in high school.

That was a long time ago.

The Wyoming Libraries hat I brought from home got too dirty to wear. You really stand out in S. America if your clothes, including your hat aren't clean.

It's a great backpack. Just the right size for me and it was already broken in.

So I bought this hat in Ecuador and it has served me well.

Yeah, you can't beat this view.


  1. Nope, not my backpack. My backpack is right here.

    1. Hi folks. Great blog! I'm al an old friend of Mary G. I'm colombian by birth and know this part of the country well. I believe the quake that really did Popayan in was only 20 or 30 years ago. I was there before and after. It is hard to make something new look old. Check out the thermal spring resort an hour or two outside of town

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jane, I could have sworn your Mom said it was yours. Oh well, whose ever it was, it is a great hand-me-down backpack.

    Al, thanks for visiting my blog. Our guidebook says the earthquake was in 1983, so that would have been almost 30 years ago. The town looks great today! Thanks for encouraging us to visit the thermal baths. They were great!
