Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Executive Chicken

In Latin America they use the adjective "ejecutivo" (executive) a lot to indicate something that is high class.

You see it on signs pretty often. It's often funny. For instance, you will see some broken down old truck, used to carry farmers in the back, with "transito ejecutivo" (executive transit) painted on the side.

Today we passed the "Executive Chicken" restaurant in downtown Riobamba.
I love the rooster with the suit and briefcase. The way you dress down here is much more indicative of your social standing than in the U.S. If you are an executive, you wear a tailor-made suit and tie every day.

As luck would have it, just after encountering the Executive Chicken store, Daniel found an Executive Chicken hat in a close out bin at a hat store for $1. A great souvenir of Ecuador.

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