Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Birthday Party Continues

Cuenca's 455th birthday lasted all weekend. Saturday night in the Parque was even more wild and crazy than the other night.

They had some very popular Ecuadorian brothers belting out all the hits, interspersed with many "Viva Cuenca[s]."

The songs they were singing must have been traditional favorites because many in the audience were singing along.
There were lots of canelazo vendors, serving up a large cup filled to the brim with the warm combination of some kind of fruit drink and alcohol. They only cost $1. You can see the canelazo vendors at the front of this picture if you click on it. Daniel got one and we shared it. It was stronger than usual. We wanted to see them burn down this big assemblage from the Ministry of Tourism (I like the way they put their brand on top). We asked a cop and he told us it would be put to the torch at 10 pm. But 10 came and went and when it got close to 11, Daniel and I gave up. I'm sure it made quite a spectacle.

Can you imagine Travel Oregon (our state tourism agency) building one of these and burning it down for Oregon's birthday? Maybe they should.

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