Friday, March 30, 2012

More Typical Ecuadorian Food

Daniel and I are eating our way through all the typical dishes of Ecuador. It's interesting how pervasive these are. You see them on menus at places large and small, humble and more upscale.

Ecuadorians know what they like.
They use the local ingredients: corn, potatoes, cheese, chocolate, plantains, pork. This was a excellent plate of seco de chivo we got at a fairly humble establishment. Only $3.50! What you see here is roast goat, rice, potato and avocado. The salsa on the side made it all come to life. Delicious. Later in the evening we had chocolate con queso. This is Ecuadorian hot chocolate with fresh cheese on the side for dipping in the hot chocolate. Ecuadorian hot chocolate is very different from the Mexican hot chocolate you may be familiar with. It's not very sweet and the chocolate flavor is understated. There is no cinnamon or other flavorings.

Hit the spot.

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