Monday, May 14, 2012

Monserrate (Part 2)

Like many miradors, Monserrate has a church on top.

Pilgrims walk to the top instead of taking the funicular like we did. It's 1,500 steps.

There are two fine restaurants on Monserrate with the best views in town.

Here is one of them.

And of course there are the usual souvenir stands and more humble eating establishments.

We came on a Monday, so business was slow.

Monserrate, overlooking a city of 9,000,000 of your fellow homo sapiens is a good place to contemplate your own relative insignificance.


  1. Wow! Only 9,000 homo sapiens live in all those buildings! The rest must be old fashioned human beings???? What?

  2. Hey Dad, are these the steps you avoided by taking the funicular?:

    1. Yes, Jane. That's it! Glad you found this. Very interesting. I'm glad some Christian pilgrims were not trying to ascend the trail on their knees at the same time.
