Friday, April 20, 2012

Trucha on the Banks of the Rio Encano

We worked up a good appetite walking all over Pasto to find the collectivo to Laguna de la Cocha and tromping around Isla Carota.

So when our friendly boatman suggested the perfect place to get a fresh trout supper, we immediately agreed. He probably took us to his sister's place. He promised a trout supper for 7,000 Colombian pesos.

That's only $4.
He motored up the Rio Encano and pulled up to the bank in front of the Restaurante La Cabana.

We went up to the second floor balcony overlooking the river and waited for our trucha.

It turned out to be one of the best meals of the trip in an enchanting location. There were no cold beers to be had so we settled for a fresh squeezed raspberry juice. It actually went very well with the fish.

On the way out we read their sign and noticed they also offered smoked trout. Next time.

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